- Clasificador por gravedad para separaciones bruscas en el rango de aprox. 0,1 - 10 mm
- Clasificador monotubo o multitubo
- Bajo mantenimiento y bajo desgaste
- Seguro contra la sobrecarga
Alpine offers zigzag classifiers in two different designs: MZM and MZF. Each design is available in a range of machine sizes from a single-tube to a multi-tube classifier. Ideal for sharp separations in the range d97 = approx. 0.3 - 10 mm.
Throughputs can range from a few kg/h in the case of the laboratory classifier up to approx. 200 t/h for the industrial-scale multi-tube classifier. Classification takes place at every change in direction of the zigzag tube and permits an extremely high, steplessly adjustable precision of cut. The result is clean-cut fines or lightweight material, even under overload conditions.